Command-Line Syntax should be run at the operating-system command line–i.e., at a shell prompt in Linux or in a command window in Windows. Python may or may not need to be explicitly invoked, and the .py extension may or may not need to be included, depending on your operating system, operating system seetings, and how xtab is installed.

For Linux users: The file contains a shebang line pointing to /usr/bin/python, so there should be no need to invoke the Python interpreter. Depending on how was obtained and installed, it may need to be made executable with the chmod command.

For Windows users: If you are unfamiliar with running Python programs at the command prompt, see

In the following syntax descriptions, angle brackets identify required replaceable elements, and square brackets identify optional replaceable elements. [options] <input_file_name> <output_file_name>

Required Arguments

                The name of the input file from which to read data.
                This must be a text file, with data in a crosstabbed format.
                Details of the internal structure must be specified in the
                configuration file.
                The name of the output file to create. The output file
                will be created as a .csv file.

Optional Arguments

                The name of the configuration file, with path if necessary.
                The default is a configuration file with the same name as the
                input file, but with an extension of ".cfg", in the same
                directory as the input file.
-d, --displayspecs
                Print the format specifications that are allowed in the
                configuration file.
-e ENCODING, --encoding=ENCODING
                Character encoding of the CSV file.  The value should be one of
                the strings listed at
-h, --help
                Show the built-in syntax help and exit.
-n ROWSEQ, --number_rows=ROWSEQ
                A directive to number the rows of the output.  The value is the
                column header for the row numbers.
-o, --outputheaders
                Print the output column headers, then exit.
-p, --printconfig
                Pretty-print the configuration data after reading the configuration
                file, then exit.
-s SPECNAME, --specname=SPECNAME
                The name of the set of specifications to use in the configuration file.
                The default is to use the name of the input data file, without
                its extension.